Babies in Pyjama Drama class


We offer drama and imaginative play classes for babies and younger toddlers from 6 months – 2 years (our 'Dewdrops' classes)

From a child’s first smile to their first word, the first two years see rapid change. More than 1 million connections form in the brain every second during these all-important years, so it’s no surprise recent research shows these are the most crucial years in a child’s development.

Our classes for babies and younger toddlers are designed to support children during these extraordinary years by gently nurturing their life skills through our unique blend of drama, music, movement, and play. 


Our 'Dewdrops' classes develop skills that will help your child:

  • Build bonds and make friends
  • Learn new vocabulary
  • Communicate non-verbally (facial expression and body language)
  • Begin to share their ideas and feelings
  • Learn about different emotions
  • Listen for longer periods of time

Our fun, highly physical classes also build children’s self-esteem and target the development of their physical skills. 


Book a class here!




In a nutshell:

  • 30 mins
  • No obligation 3-week trial only £15 (in just three weeks you'll see your child's skills develop!)
  • £6 per class thereafter
  • Sibling discounts available

Class fees may vary in some areas 


What happens in a 'Dewdrops' class? 
In class, your Pyjama Drama leader will use their drama skills as a teaching tool; their facial expressions, body language and voice to engage children and enhance their experience of each activity:

  • Exciting, dramatic stories
  • Active singing 
  • Physical games
  • Playful movement

We also use simple play equipment such as mirrors, balls, musical instruments and talking puppets! 


How will I know what my child is learning? 
Fairly quickly, your child will begin to form positive relationships with their classmates, and you’ll witness social skills develop as they smile, display excitement and, when they are developmentally ready, wave ‘hello’ to each other. 
Your child will also begin to anticipate songs, games, and the arrival of their puppet friends and you’ll notice them copying actions, singing along and bouncing in time to music. They will become more confident holding and handling play equipment, and as their confidence grows and physical skills develop, may be happy to leave your lap for periods of time – to jump in imaginary puddles or dance with their friends, for example. Finally, you’ll know they’re learning about emotions when your child mimics their teacher’s facial expressions, and you'll begin to see listening, language and communication develop as first your child mimics sounds, and later starts to say the words they often hear in class. 


What’s in it for me?
The more involved you are, the more fun it is for both of you! Although we will never ask you do any actual drama (that’s the teacher's job), your child will delight in sharing the fun with you so, we may ask you to hoist your baby in the air, spin them around, tickle their toes, dance, sing, or hide under a parachute together. Joining a class is your chance to put aside the chores and demands of everyday life, make new friends, and immerse yourself in play and laughter.