Young children in a class


We offer drama and imaginative play classes for older toddlers 2 – 3 years (our 'Raindrops' classes)

As your toddler’s imagination begins to emerge, providing opportunities for them to do drama is one of the most valuable things you can do. Not to prepare them for a life on stage, but because drama supports the development of life skills.


Our 'Raindrops' classes develop skills that will help your child:

  • Make new friends
  • Manage conflict in relationships
  • Communicate their ideas, thoughts, and feelings 
  • Manage their emotions
  • Understand others’ emotions
  • Concentrate at nursery or daycare
  • Solve simple problems for themselves
  • Make decisions with confidence
  • Believe in themselves and know what makes them special 

Our fun, highly physical classes also build children’s self-esteem and target the development of physical skills.


Book a class here!



In a  nutshell:

  • 35-mins
  • Parents stay and support their child, as appropriate
  • No obligation, three-week trial for £15 (in just three weeks you'll see your child's skills develop!)
  • £6 per class thereafter 
  • Sibling discount available

(Class fees may vary in some areas )


What happens in a 'Raindrops' class?
In every class children sing, dance, play drama games and, of course, pretend. Each week is a different adventure – one week we’ll be surviving the arctic with polar bears, taking our poorly unicorn to the vet, or swimming with mermaids, and the next, helping grandma weed her garden or rescuing a dragon from the top of a tree.

What makes Pyjama Drama special?

  • Our classes are delivered by highly trained drama and imaginative play experts
  • Our unique, child-led approach to drama accelerates the development of life skills
  • We don’t ever use props or costumes – come along and witness for yourself the power of the imagination!
  • Over 90% of our games, rhymes, and songs are original to Pyjama Drama – you won’t find them in any other class