We offer drama and imaginative play classes and performances in primary schools...

  • 'Rainbows' class: Preschool/Reception
  • 'Sunbeams' class: Years 1 and 2
  • Interactive Performance: 3 – 7 years  


Our programme has not been written to create child actors, destined for a life treading the boards. Our programme has been written to develop life skills - using drama and imaginative play to develop the skills children need to lead happy, healthy, successful, and independent lives.


Pyjama Drama classes develop skills that help children:

  • Make new friends
  • Manage conflict in relationships
  • Communicate their ideas, thoughts, and feelings 
  • Manage their emotions
  • Understand others’ emotions
  • Concentrate in nursery or school
  • Solve simple problems for themselves
  • Make decisions with confidence
  • Believe in themselves and what makes them special 


Our fun, highly physical classes also build children’s self-esteem and target the development of physical skills!




Download an Info Pack to find out what happens in sessions, costs, and how Pyjama Drama links to the National Curriculum (England), Curriculum for Wales, and Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland). 


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