Drama is an inclusive learning tool and can be used to learn about and explore just about any topic, theme, or story you can think of. So, with World Cup fever on the rise, we’ve been visiting nurseries and primary schools to deliver drama workshops specially created to help children explore the ‘big’ feelings football fans experience.

We learned that it's normal to feel multiple emotions in quick succession, that emotions can be difficult to manage, and that it's Ok to feel two completely opposite emotions at the same time. And we learned that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to feel.

Drama is the perfect way to help children understand emotions and to ultimately learn how to manage their own feelings and emotional responses. To be able to manage their emotions, a child must first be able to recognise them and give them a name. They need to be given space to discuss emotions in a safe and supportive space and observe what emotions look like through the facial expressions and body language of others.

And you don’t have to be an ‘expert’ in drama to help children learn through this powerful tool. We teach preschool practitioners how to use drama in their practice, as well as provide meaningful and exciting drama resources so they can deliver mini-drama lessons in their settings themselves.

Find out more about our training opportunities here or, if you’d like a visit from a Pyjama Drama expert to your nursery or school, please do get in touch.