Are you a teacher concerned about the number of children who are unable to use the toilet independently?
Or are you a parent or carer who wants to make sure your little one starts school able to be as self-sufficient as possible?
Toilet trained and ready to start school?
04/09/2024 18:12
What did you do at school today?
18/06/2024 08:04
"What did you do at school today?" It can be challenging to get young children to talk about what they did that day, but in my experience, children who attend Pyjama Drama at their nursery or preschool can't wait to tell their family EVERYTHING they did!
Read MoreWhat cooperation isn't
13/11/2023 17:19
It's not the case that because a child does exactly what an adult wants them to do, they're cooperating. That's compliance, and it's a different thing. Cooperation is 'we're in this together' rather than 'do what I say', and children need to learn this skill and practise it regularly.
Read MorePretend play. What's in it for me?
20/07/2023 13:33
Whenever you play you use your imagination. When you build a tower with blocks, cuddle your soft toys, and paint masterpieces with your fingers you're using your imagination. But there’s something particularly special about pretend play and research shows you will benefit hugely from it, especially between the ages of two and seven. Here are just five reasons to enjoy your pretend play more than you already do!
Read MoreAnnual Seminar 2023
11/07/2023 11:41
Our Annual Seminar in 2019 looked different to the one we had this weekend. Back then, in the October before the pandemic, we had 30 franchisees from across the UK join us for our seminar at a lovely big hotel...
Where shall we go today?
16/06/2023 08:34
Line up two rows of chairs, and what have you got? An airplane, of course! Where’s it flying to? Turkey, where else? And who’s on it? A dog, a princess, a toddler, a nervous traveller, and a grumpy old man...
Read MoreTime flies when you're having fun!
04/05/2023 08:40
I’ve taught over 10,000 classes, but when I first launched Pyjama Drama, the only experience I had with preschool children was with my own. Back then, I was a secondary school drama teacher who was more used to teaching Macbeth than playing hide-and-seek, but having children opened my eyes to the wonder of a child’s imagination, and so Pyjama Drama was born.
Read MoreThis is Hazel
26/04/2023 14:40
This is Hazel. The perfect combination of positive, humble, and caring, Hazel is the kind of person you want on your team...
Read MoreThis is Alex
03/04/2023 16:40
This is Alex. His smile is everything because until just a few weeks ago, I rarely saw a smile and for months, Alex chose to observe Pyjama Drama from the sidelines rather than join in. Thankfully, Alex attends an amazing nursery with a wonderful practitioner, Julie Morton, who has seen this before and knows not to assume that because a child isn’t participating, they’re not learning. So, we work together and don’t insist, bribe, or cajole. And we certainly never label a child as ‘shy’. Instead, we go about our business of play with gentle encouragement, and we wait.
Read MoreDrama - not a 'soft' subject!
28/03/2023 20:32
This picture is taken in one of our after-school drama clubs. It shows a group of five and six-year-olds in role as a family, taken down by the same sickness bug. The children were asked to freeze in role and as you can see, did an amazing job of using their facial expressions and body language to express their character’s feelings.
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