It's not the case that because a child does exactly what an adult wants them to do, they're cooperating. That's compliance, and it's a different thing. Cooperation is 'we're in this together' rather than 'do what I say', and children need to learn this skill and practise it regularly.
To develop cooperation skills, children need opportunities to problem-solve; they need to experience making choices; and they need opportunities to take turns.
Drama gives children all this and more!
1) Drama requires children to problem-solve (How to cross Crocodile Bridge safely? How do I mend the broken rocket? What should I put on the shopping list? How do I find the treasure without a map?)
2) Drama allows children to make choices (Shall I use a ladder or my magic wand to rescue the fairy from the tree? Shall I have chocolate milk or strawberry lemonade at the teddy bear's picnic?)
3) Drama requires children to take turns. In every game and every Pyjama Drama activity, it is necessary that children take turns and follow simple rules
To teach children the skills they need to learn how to cooperate, give them opportunities to do drama. And anyone, no matter what their experience of drama, can lead our simple drama activities. Find out how.